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60 million


We deliver planning solutions for fuels and gases.

Every single day we plan hundreds of trucks to deliver just-in-time to thousands of tanks. Precision planning, fuelled by our smart inventory routing software, is what saves customers a good deal of money. With an upward potential if you would decide to work autonomously and in real time in our new logistics cloud platform BX.

In addition to our software solutions there is more that we are able to offer. Have a look at our services to find out if we can help you with regard to planning service, transport service or wetstock management. We have 20 years experience in providing services and are available to support you to optimize your supply chain.

We are able to take away your biggest concerns in logistics.


Empty customer tanks

Customers that are out-of-stock result not only in lost revenues and costly emergency deliveries, but also in an increased risk of losing them to your competition.


High supply chain cost

Supply chains of today are less predictable not only due to issues with driver and product availability, but also due to volatile demand, resulting in higher cost.


Experienced planners moving on

Planners with a lot of knowledge in their heads are hard to replace. If they decide today to move on, it can have a direct impact on your business continuity tomorrow.

If you would subscribe to our logistics cloud platform BX and work autonomously in real time.


Autonomous planning

Going autonomous in BX means in fact that our smart algorithms take care of your truck planning. And that your truck planning is continually optimized, 24/7, using real time data.


Real time data

The more real time data is offered, the more efficient planning BX provides back. Real time inventory data is key to enable you to plan more precisely, resulting in a higher drop size and fewer runouts.


Connected logistics

As a shipper, you can give your customers, planners, carriers and drivers access to BX to collaborate in the same environment and improve the communication, data sharing and issue management.

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Bottomline offers 3 services to optimize your supply chain.

Planning service

This service is offered to companies that want to outsource their in-house planning or are looking for an alternative for carrier planning.

Transport service

This service is offered to companies that want to profit from the shared truck concept that we provide with a fleet of non-branded trucks.

Wetstock management

This service is offered to companies that want to avoid product losses throughout the whole logistics process, from depot tank to pump nozzle.


Who do you choose
to plan your trucks?

When connected to BX, you can choose who you want to have in charge as your truck planner. As a shipper, you could choose between doing it yourself or outsourcing this key role to your carrier. Bottomline offers an alternative. In addition to providing BX, Bottomline can be your planning partner. We have been in the planning services business since 2003. We are specialized, independent and able to provide you with the best optimization, service and conditions.


Discover BX. Get a feel for how it can help you.

We invite you to schedule a demo and discover how BX can help you to take away your 3 biggest concerns in logistics.

Schedule BX demo

“Our partnership is based on mutual respect, complementary expertise and a pragmatic, solution-focused mentality.

Arjan Schenk

Business owner

“Through our partnership with Bottomline, we can offer customers a true end-to-end solution.

Kurt Dillen

VP Global Business Development

“Bottomline is our planning partner since 2013 and has delivered significant savings as a result of smarter planning and continuous focus on innovation.”

Gerrit van Boven



Download the Autonomous Inventory Routing ebook.