Let us help to bring your cost down and service up.

The planning service is offered to companies that want to outsource their in-house planning or are looking for an alternative for carrier planning. It is a real partnership model where Bottomline and customer collaborate as one team. It starts with a supply chain analysis to determine the current cost and performance level. Achieved savings versus this benchmark are shared between partners during the contract period.

Our service activities

Order taking

Your CMI customers can call or mail us to place orders. We can enter these orders in your ERP system if credit checking is required or directly in our software if this is not required.

Inventory management

We are able to calculate for your VMI customers, based on inventories or sales, when the minimum storage level is reached and how much to deliver to maximize drop size and avoid runouts.

Trip planning

Our planners review all received CMI orders and calculated VMI orders and plan these on the available trucks in the most efficient way while adhering to all delivery constraints.

Supply optimization

During trip planning we closely watch monthly supply targets and take into account instructions from customers in case there is a financial incentive to deviate from these targets.

Incident management

Our planners are available on a 24/7 basis to react to all incidents that are reported by phone by customers or by truck drivers and require a change in the trip planning.

Trip reconciliation

After trips are executed we review all data received from the driver app. If these data are entered manually we check these vs. documents to ensure that every liter loaded is also delivered.


Three reasons to outsource your planning

  1. We can provide you with cost savings as a result of smarter planning. With a combination of our smart inventory routing software and our experienced planners, we are able to deliver continuous improvements.

  2. We can make your fixed overhead costs variable. You are able to pay us a planning fee that is based on volume delivered. In addition we have a high flexibility to scale-up if your business grows through acquisition.

  3. We enable you to fully focus on your core business. While you spend your time on purchasing, storage and sales, we act as your planning department and take care of a efficient, reliable and safe replenishment of your delivery sites.

“Bottomline convinced us by building a simulation model demonstrating the potential cost savings in our situation. And those were significant.”

Thomas Bogaers

General Manager Vollenhoven

“If you want something - try to make it happen. If you want something done - ask Bottomline.”

Kees Vissers

Distribution Manager BNL

“Bottomline is our planning partner since 2013 and has delivered significant savings as a result of smarter planning and continuous focus on innovation.”

Gerrit van Boven



Interested in our planning service?

In case you want to talk to me about our planning service, please request a call and I will meet with you shortly.

Jordy van de Griend, Sales manager

Request Call

Take a look at our other services

Transport service

This service is offered to companies that want to profit from the shared truck concept that we provide with a fleet of non-branded trucks.

Wetstock management

This service is offered to companies that want to avoid product losses throughout the whole logistics process, from depot tank to pump nozzle.
