Schenk Tank Transport
Joint venture partner

Specialized in liquid tank transports throughout Europe: fuels, lubricating oils, LPG, industrial gases, LNG, bitumen and chemicals
Specialized in liquid tank transports throughout Europe: fuels, lubricating oils, LPG, industrial gases, LNG, bitumen and chemicals
Specialized in liquid tank transports throughout Europe: fuels, lubricating oils, LPG, industrial gases, LNG, bitumen and chemicals
Schenk provides reliable, safe fuel transport – either as part of Bottomline’s transport service or through separate contracts with Bottomline customers. In both cases, customers benefit from seamless cooperation between planners and drivers on the road, through the Bottomline software. Schenk is also a long-time joint-venture partner in Bottomline Services.
Arjan Schenk, co-owner and managing director: “We have been working with Bottomline for twenty years now, and it’s a partnership built on mutual respect. We both have our own, complementary expertise. And we share the same mentality: we’re both pragmatic, focused on solutions, and we’re willing to look past our own interests and think from the perspective of what our customers need.”
Working with Bottomline means there is no need for Schenk to have its own planning department for stock replenishment of fuel stations. “We only need to make sure there are enough drivers to keep our fleet on the road. But there’s no need to plan routes or deliveries: our drivers all have tablets that connect them directly to Bottomline’s platform. Which not only means their routes and deliveries are planned for them, but they can also take care of all administrative aspects themselves. Registering time, locations, amounts of fuel loaded and delivered… It means that basically you can think of our fuel tankers as mobile terminals.”
“From our perspective, the added value in this partnership is that Bottomline helps us to get the most out of our fleet capacity. The key consideration for us is to ensure a profitable utilization rate and to keep unnecessary stops to an absolute minimum. We have a whole set of KPIs that are important for us and that we can monitor through Bottomline’s reports. And optimize together, as partners.”
Efficient planning not only has financial benefits. “It’s also a way of simply making sure we can deliver our service to customers in what can be a challenging environment. From finding enough drivers to sustainability issues and dealing with increasingly unpredictable fluctuations in demand – the underlying challenge is to do more with fewer resources. Smart planning is key to doing that.”
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