“Bottomline is very good at developing people’s potential”

“I’m currently studying for a degree in data science, and started at Bottomline as junior transport planner. A weekend job initially, perfect for my schedule as a full-time student. My main tasks are to monitor transports and intervene when there’s any problem.”
“However, I quickly had the opportunity to take on other tasks as well. I started helping out as wetstock management analyst, working with a platform that allows us to identify and analyze potential fuel loss at fuel stations. Since then I’ve also been involved with building a brand new data tool for extracting and processing data for KPIs and invoicing.”
“This is a very friendly and dynamic environment. Bottomline is very good at spotting and developing people’s potential. For example, I’ve only worked here for a few months, but each of the steps I’ve been encouraged to take – from simply working in IT to working with data, developing tools and in the near future perhaps even adding AI - has taken me closer to my goal of being a data scientist.”
Junior data scientist
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